Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Giving my frustrations to God

Finishing the sheep roof

Figuring out what to do with the chainsaw

Cutting listones

Checking out the bees

Anita cleaning out the bee boxes

Our home

Over this past couple of weeks we have worked hard, had some new experiences, and grown as a team. During the last two weeks we have been pushing to finish the clearing of the land and the planting of the lemon trees. We made good progress on both of these projects but unfortunately we some other priorities come up that prevented us from completing them. One of them that came up this last week was trying to get the road graded to our house. On both friday and sunday we waited for the machine to come but it never showed up. After talking to the mayor we are supposedely going to have the road graded on thursday of this coming week. However, we really need your prayers because we are having a lot of problems getting this seemingly simple task accomplished. Another thing that came up was trying to get around 10 trees cut and hauled out of the chacra that we are going to burn this coming week. Unfortunately the chainsaw decided to quite working so that put that project on hold. Although we have had a lot of frustrations this past week I was really encouraged this past sabbath because I had some time to think about how small our problems really are. It really helped me to see that nothing it too big for God. All we need to do is put our trust in Him and He will work everything out. One of the new experiences we had this past week was having the meier's come and join our team from Canada. They are going to start a bee program here at km. 38 over the next couple of months as well as help with clinics. Even though they have been here less than a week I feel that we have known them for longer. They are a really incredible couple and I have enjoyed hearing about their lives in Canada as well as in Switzerland were they are originally from. In Canada they live with their three kids and have a thriving bee business. I have really enjoyed there addition to our team and I think that they will be able to make huge stides with the bees! God is doing great things here in Peru and your prayers are the reason for that! Thank you for your prayers and countinue to keep our project in mind!


Jeff Harper said...

hey bro,

so true! God is bigger than all of our problems. I have been realizing that the last few days as well. Jesus has straight up got our back and He will always come through. i will for sure be praying for you this week as well. hope you are doing alright. I am really stoked about next year! I am thinking about africa right now, not really sure where God is opening doors yet but i have been thinking about it a lot lately. anyway, keep it real in Jesus brother. peace

Alex said...

I must say that I can completely empathize with your feelings - Here in the 'comfortable' U.S. I hear about the incredible progress happening down there and it inspires me. I remember many times while I was there thinking over the past month and not being able to account for what had been done other than a few 'odd jobs' that really should have taken the team less than a day to complete. Yet coming home and thinking about what we did... was a lot. Building from where we left off, you guys can do even more and faster (as I am seeing) but there will probably still be days where there is no money to put gas in the chainsaws that don't work anyway or to buy a file to sharpen the machetes that are too dull to cut. The truck which you could use for some other job, will be gone on a more important mission and the cultivator will be at some mechanic in Pucallpa that works with the speed of migrating snails on hot sand. So you will attack the job before you with what you have. The next week when all has reversed you will have everything you need to efficiently do the job you just finished the hard way but now something else won't work that is needed for your next assignment.
Your team and your mission are in my prayers and you are gaining more ground for the project than you will realize until you look back at it.