Friday, August 17, 2007

Earthquake, fire, and dental

This week has been filled with excitement. On wednesday as most of you know there was a large earthquake that devastated much of the coastline. We did feel it but there was no damage in our area. Also on wednesday we turned into forest firefighters because of a fire that got slightly out of control. On thursday as you will see in the pics laura and I learned how to do dental blocks on each other. My mouth was numb for a good 5 hours but it was fun and a little freaky. Countinue to keep our project in your prayers!

1 comment:

michelle said...

Wow, you look super freaky all geared up! But that's okay~ You're still hott ^^ You actually numbed each other?? Shoot, I went through that twice this summer and it was painful!! Not when I was numbed so much.. but when it was coming out. It's always that way for me tho..